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论文题目 作者 期刊名称 发表年度 卷;期 页码
Characteristics and implications of isoprenoid and hydroxy tetraether lipids in hadal sediments of Mariana and Yap Trenches 陈祉言,李季伟*,Li Xinxin, 陈顺,Dasgupta Shamik, 柏仕杰他开文许恒超杜梦然彭晓彤* Chemical Geology 2020 551;   119742
Past endolithic life in metamorphic ocean crust 彭晓彤,郭自晓*,杜梦然,Czaja AD, Papineau D, 陈顺许恒超李季伟他开文柏仕杰Dasgupta Shamik Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2020 14;   14-19
Volcanic ash inputs enhance the deep-sea seabed metal-biogeochemical cycle: A case study in the Yap Trench, western Pacific Ocean 李玲,柏仕杰李季伟*Shamik Dasgupt, 唐永杰彭晓彤* Marine Geology 2020 430;   106340
The effect of methane seeps on the bacterial tetraether lipid distributions at the Okinawa trough. 张哲轩,李季伟*,陈祉言,彭晓彤* Marine Chemistry 2020 225;   103845
Spatial distribution of seepages and associated biological communities within Haima cold seep field, South China Sea 许恒超杜梦然,李江涛,张海滨陈万利,尉建功,吴自军张汉羽李季伟陈顺他开文柏仕杰彭晓彤* Journal of Sea Research 2020 165;   101957
Structure and Composition of Micro-Manganese Nodules in Deep-Sea Carbonate from the Zhaoshu Plateau, North of the South China Sea 许恒超彭晓彤*他开文,宋陶然,杜梦然李季伟陈顺曲治国 Minerals 2020 10;  11
Phosphorus Species in Deep-Sea Carbonate Deposits: Implications for Phosphorus Cycling in Cold Seep Environments. 周俊烈,杜梦然李季伟许恒超他开文陈顺彭晓彤* Minerals 2020 10;  7
Forty-year pollution history of microplastics in the largest marginal sea of the western Pacific 陈明玉,杜梦然*陈顺S. Dasgupta, 李季伟许恒超他开文彭晓彤* Geochem. Persp. Let. 2020 13;   42-47
Past endolithic life in metamorphic ocean crust 彭晓彤,郭自晓*,杜梦然陈顺许恒超李季伟他开文柏仕杰S. Dasgupta Geochem. Persp. Let. 2020 14;   14-19
Hurricanes Accelerate Dissolved Organic Carbon Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems 阎哿*,Jessica Labonté, Antonietta Quigg, Karl Kaiser* Frontiers in Marine Science 2020 7;  
Recent advances in fluorescence probes based on carbon dots for sensing and speciation of heavy metals 李平静*,Sam F. Y. Li* Nanophotonics 2020 10;  2 877–908
Cetaceans under threat in South China Sea. 李松海* 林明利, Francesco Caruso, 董黎君, 林文治 ,Massimiliano Rosso, Alessandro Bocconcelli Science 2020 368;  6495
Humpback dolphins at risk of extinction. Science 李松海* Science 2020 367;  6484
Determining spatial use of the world’s second largest humpback dolphin population: implications for place-based conservation and management 刘明明, Lars Bejder, 林明利,张培君, 董黎君, 李松海* Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2020 30;  2
Food risk trade-off in the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: An exploratory case study 林明利, Francesco Caruso, 刘明明, Sovan Lek, Kuan Li, Rodolphe E. Gozlan,李松海* Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2020 30;  4 860-867
Influence of acoustic habitat variation on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in shallow waters of Hainan Island, China Francesco Caruso, 董黎君, 林明利, 刘明明, 徐婉雪,李松海* The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2020 147;  6 3871-3882
Sexual maturity, seasonal estrus, and gestation in female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus inferred from serum reproductive hormones 张培君* ,Zhengzhi Wei, Suk-Wai Hui, Grant Abel, Paolo Martelli, Yujiang Hao, 李松海* Integrative Zoology 2020 ;  
Microbial diversity and structure in the gastrointestinal tracts of two stranded short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) 柏仕杰张培君*林明利林文治杨子欣李松海* Integrative Zoology 2020 ;  
A pioneering survey of deep-diving and off-shore cetaceans in the northern South China Sea 林明利, 刘明明, Francesco Caruso, Massimiliano Rosso, Xiaoming Tang, 董黎君, 林文治, Anna Borroni, Alessandro Bocconcelli, 代亮, 李松海* Integrative Zoology 2020 ;  
Diel differences in blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) dive behavior increase nighttime risk of ship strikes in northern Chilean Patagonia Francesco Caruso, Leigh Hickmott, Joseph D. Warren, Paolo Segre, Gustavo Chiang, Paulina Bahamonde, Sonia ESPA?OL-JIMéNEZ, 李松海, and Alessandro Bocconcelli* Integrative Zoology 2020 ;  
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