文章来源:深海科学研究部/海洋环流观测与数值模拟研究室 | 发布时间:2019-10-09 | 【打印】 【关闭】
(8) 海洋学创新理论和方法
主办单位:中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所 中国海洋学会
宋 伟:wsong@idsse.ac.cn,0898-88380201,13824419782
喻 琉:yuliu@idsse.ac.cn,0898-88380215,15521126855
2019年10月23日 14:00-20:00 会议注册,半山半岛帆船港酒店/三亚明申高尔夫度假酒店/鹿回头国宾馆酒店大堂
2019年10月24日- 25 日 学术报告,中科院深海科学与工程研究所综合楼10楼1003会议室
1、 参会人员食宿自理。
2、 会议收取注册费 1200 元,学生 600 元。
汇款方式: 收款单位名称:中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所 账 号:34010155260000685 开户银行:上海浦东发展银行海口分行营业部
汇款用途请注明:2019 年南中国海年会注册费+姓名 社会统一信用代码:12100000400882946P
3、 缴纳时间:2019 年10月20日之前(特别提醒:请务必于此日期前完成费用缴纳,否则将无法及时开具有效报销凭证。)
4、 海报事宜:
5、 请参会人员于10月9日前将参会回执(见附件)发邮件至scsworkshop2019@163.com,以便安排会议日程。
6、 未尽事宜请联系会务组。
c 会场地图
South China Sea Annual Meeting 2019
October 23-25, 2019
Sanya, China
(Third Announcement)
The “South China Sea Annual Meeting 2019” will be held from October 23 to 25, 2019 in Sanya, China, co-sponsored by the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS) and the Chinese Society for Oceanography.
The series of the workshops on “Mesoscale Processes in the South China Sea” has been successfully held for 5 times, sponsored by Xiamen University, Guangdong Ocean University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, First Institute of Oceanography (Ministry of Natural Resources), and Hohai University, respectively. This will be the 6th international workshop of the series, and will provide an opportunity for exchanging and sharing ideas and recent progresses on the mesoscale/submesoscale processes, deep circulation and environment conditions in the South China Sea. This workshop will have oral and poster presentation sessions.
Themes and topics
(1) In situ observation of mesoscale/submesoscale processes in the SCS
(2) Air-sea flux and upper layer ocean mixing in the SCS
(3) High frequency variability in the SCS
(4) Multi-scale variability of inter-ocean water exchange and heat/salt budget
(5) Deep water circulation in the SCS
(6) Numerical simulation of the mesoscale processes and deep circulation in the SCS
(7) Environmental oceanography of the SCS
(8) Innovative theories and methodology applied to the ocean
Sponsored by
Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS Chinese Society for Oceanography
Conference Organizing Committee
Ruixin Huang, Quanan Zheng, Jianping Gan, Jiayi Pan, Chung-Ru Ho, Chau-Ron Wu, Ruo-Shan Tseng, Yuping Guang, Jianyu Hu, Xiangsan Liang, Mingsen Lin, Yiquan Qi, Jiwei Tian, Dongxiao Wang, Guihua Wang, Zexun Wei, Lingling Xie, Qiang Xie, Hongzhou Xu
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Wei Song
E-mail: wsong@idsse.ac.cn
Ms. Sumin Liu
E-mail: liusumin@idsse.ac.cn
Telephone: 0898-88353871
Mr. Liu Yu
E-mail: yuliu@idsse.ac.cn
Telephone: 0898-88380215
Meeting Agenda
October 23 , 2019 14:00-20:00 Conference registration, Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel/Mingshen Golf & Bay Resort Sanya/ Luhuitou State Guesthouse
October 24-25, 2019 Academic report, Room 1003, 10th floor, comprehensive building, Institute of deep-sea science and engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Meeting Related Issues
1. The participants will take care of their own accommodation.
2. Registration Fee ¥1200,student fee ¥600.
Method of remittance:
Name of payee:中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所
Bank of deposit: 上海浦东发展银行海口分行营业部
Account number:34010155260000685
Social uniform credit code: 12100000400882946P
Please specify the purpose of remittance:Registration Fee for South China Sea Annual Meeting 2019 +Name
3. Deadline for payment: October 20 ,2019 (special reminder: please pay the cost before the deadline, or it can’t be able to issue an invoice in time. )
4. Poster Issues:
①Each poster size is not more than 1.2 m- high by 0.9 m-wide, experts and students need to print by themselves. If you need to print in the meeting venue,you can choose the cooperation print shop with Institute of deep-sea science and engineering (about ¥76). Telephone of the printing shop Xin NanBao: 13016273516, qq: 354407029, about 24 minutes’ from the meeting Avenue by taxi.
② Experts and students can send the printed poster to the meeting registry when is registrating for the conference in the hotel lobby and Local Organizing Committee will poster up all together.
5. In order to arrange the meeting schedule, participants need to return the receipt (see attachment) by mail to scsworkshop2019@163.com by October 9, 2019.
6. The issues not mentioned can contact the Local Organizing Committee please.
Location, Hotel and Transportation
a. Meeting location (blue lable)
b. Hotel location(1. Serenity Marina Hotel、2. Mingshen Golf、3. Luhuitou State Guesthouse)
c. The map of campus
Meeting Address: #28 Luhuitou Road, Jiyang District, Sanya, China, Institute of Deep-sea Science and engineering, CAS
Hotel: Three hotels are provided for experts and students to choose,the details are as follows:
Option I. Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel (¥400 /night, with 2 breakfasts)
① Traffic Route 1: Sanya Railway Station - Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel:
Take a taxi: The fare is about ¥50.
By Bus: Walk about 280 meters long, take No. 10 bus at the Sanya railway station, transfer to No. 3/26 bus at the No. 2 middle school station, get off at the intersection of Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, and continue to walk 482 meters to the hotel.
② Traffic Route 2: Sanya Phoenix International Airport - Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel
Take a taxi: The fare is about ¥80.
By Bus: Walk 157 meters, take No. 8 bus at the Phoenix Airport station, transfer to No. 3/26 bus at the No. 2 middle school station, get off at the intersection of Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, and continue to walk 482 meters to the hotel.
?Traffic Route 3: Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel- Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering:
There are convenient entrances and exits between the hotel and the conference venue. The entrance guard will be opened for experts to enter and exit. The hotel is about 5 minutes’ walk from the conference venue.
Option II.Mingshen Golf & Bay Resort Sanya (¥350 /night, with 2 breakfasts)
①Traffic Route 1: Sanya Serenity Coast Marina Hotel - Mingshen Golf & Bay Resort Sanya
Take a taxi: The fare is about ¥50.
By Bus: Walk 280 meters, take No. 10 bus at the Sanya railway station, transfer to No. 3/26 bus at the No. 2 middle school station, get off at the Luhuitou Village station, and continue to walk 234 meters to the hotel.
②Traffic Route 2: Sanya Phoenix International Airport - Mingshen Golf & Bay Resort Sanya
Take a taxi: The fare is about ¥80.
By Bus: Walk 157 meters, take No. 8 bus at the Phoenix Airport station, transfer to No. 3/26 bus at the No. 2 middle school station, get off at the Luhuitou Village station, and continue to walk 234 meters to the hotel.
③Traffic Route 3: Mingshen Golf & Bay Resort Sanya- Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering:
A courtesy shuttle bus will be operated between Mingshen Golf & Bay Resort Sanya and Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering. The range of driving takes about 5 minutes. The details will be notified later.
Option III. Luhuitou State Guesthouse (¥480 /night, with 1 breakfast)
①Traffic Route 1: Sanya Serenity Coast Marina Hotel - Luhuitou State Guesthouse
Take a taxi: The fare is about ¥40.
By Bus: Walk 128 meters, take No. 35/17 bus at the Sanya railway station, transfer to No. 3 bus at the Agricultural Reclamation Hospital station, get off at the Yue Rongzhuang Station, and continue to walk 120 meters to the hotel.
②Traffic Route 2: Sanya Phoenix International Airport - Luhuitou State Guesthouse
Take a taxi: The fare is about ¥70.
By Bus: Walk 157meters, take No. 8 bus at the Sanya Phoenix International Airport, transfer to No. 3 bus at the No. 2 middle school station, get off at the Yue Rongzhuang Station, and continue to walk 120 meters to the hotel.
③Traffic Route 3: Luhuitou State Guesthouse - Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering
A courtesy shuttle bus will be operated between Luhuitou State Guesthouse and Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering. The range of driving takes about 10 minutes. The details will be notified later.
Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS
September 29, 2019
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