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Announcement of 3rd Oceanoise Asia

文章来源:海洋哺乳动物与海洋生物声学研究室  |  发布时间:2023-11-12  |  【打印】 【关闭



  1.      Conference Background

  Extensive marine engineering works are occurring in Asian waters, where there is high marine biodiversity. Maritime constructions, offshore wind power installations, underwater mining, shipping, fisheries, and geological studies produce a wide variety of noises in the water. Marine mammals, sea turtles, fishes, and aquatic invertebrates all could be affected by the exposure to underwater noises. At this moment, baseline information on ecologically important marine organisms, and proposed scientific standards of noise impact on these marine organisms are still quite limited within Asian waters. Reliable ocean noise measurements and an evaluation of its effects in coastal and deep waters are needed. The Oceanoise Asia symposium focuses on current available knowledge and future perspectives on physiology, ecology and behavior of ecologically and economically important marine organisms, physical and biological sound measurement and biological noise response observations. The 3rd Oceanoise Asia aims at promoting scientific research and awareness about the impacts of noise on the marine organisms in Asian waters.

  2.      Conference Date

  November 13 - 17, 2023

  Registration Date: November 13, 2023

  Presentation Date: November 14 - 16, 2023

  Departure Date: November 17, 2023 

  3.      Conference Venue

  Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering CAS, 28 Luhuitou Road, Sanya, Hainan Province, China



  4.      Conference Sessions and Invited Presenters




  5.      Detailed Program  


  a.        Opening (Nov. 14, 8:20-9:00)



  b.        Noise and effect (Nov. 14, 9:00-12:00)




  c.         Soundscape and passive acoustic monitoring (Nov. 14, 14:30-17:25)



  d.        Biological signal and noise response (Nov. 15, 9:00-12:00)  




  e.         Protection and management (Nov. 15, 14:30-17:30)  




  f.         Posters (Nov. 16, 9:00-10:30)  




  6.      Accommodation and Registration   


  a.      Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel is the designated hotel for this conference which is next to the conference venue. Attendees will pay their own accommodation expenses and can contact the conference team to make reservations before the conference starts. For reservations please contact: Zixin Yang, Tel. +86 18210039498, Email: yangzx@idsse.ac.cn.


  For more hotel information, please check: Booking.com -Serenity Marina Hotel  


  b.      Attendees who don’t have oral presentations or posters and students who didn’t apply Student Accommodation Award will be charged 1000 CNY conference fee. You could pay at the registration desk and the payment options are online payment (recommended) and bank transfer.

  c.       Registration desk opens from 8 am to 8 pm during the conference date. On Nov. 13, registration desk will be set at Sanya Serenity Marina Hotel lobby. Attendees please sign in at the registration desk and collect your registration materials, including name tag, conference agenda, etc. During Nov. 14 to Nov. 16, registration desk will be set next to the conference venue.


  7.      Contact


  For more detailed conference information, please check https://oceanoiseasia2023.casconf.cnor download Abstract Book/Attendee Guide    

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