论文题目 | In situ Raman spectroscopic study of the pressure effect on the concentration of CO2 in water at hydrate-liquid water equilibrium up to 900 bar. |
论文题目(英文) | In situ Raman spectroscopic study of the pressure effect on the concentration of CO2 in water at hydrate-liquid water equilibrium up to 900 bar. |
作者 | Geng LT., Qu K., Lu WJ., Jiang L.蒋磊, Chou IM.周义明 |
发表年度 | 2017-02 |
卷 | |
期 | 437 |
页码 | 37-43 |
期刊名称 | Fluid Phase Equilibria. |
摘要 | |
摘要_英文 |
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