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论文题目  Microbial ecosystems and ecological drivingforces in the deepest ocean sediments 
论文题目(英文) Microbial ecosystems and ecological drivingforces in the deepest ocean sediments 
作者 Xiang Xiao,* Weishu Zhao,* Zewei Song, Qi Qi, Bo Wang, Jiahui Zhu, James Lin,Jing Wang, Aoran Hu, Shanshan Huang,Yinzhao Wang, Jianwei Chen, Chao Fang, Qianyue Ji, Nannan Zhang, Liang Meng, Xiaofeng Wei, 陈传绪, 蔡珊雅, 陈顺, 丁抗, 李栋 
发表年度 2025-03-07 
期刊名称 cell 

Systematic exploration of the hadal zone, Earth’s deepest oceanic realm, has historically faced technical limitations. Here, we collected 1,648 sediment samples at 6–11 km in the Mariana Trench, Yap Trench, and Philippine Basin for the Mariana Trench Environment and Ecology Research (MEER) project. Metagenomic and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing generated the 92-Tbp MEER dataset, comprising 7,564 species (89.4% unreported), indicating high taxonomic novelty. Unlike in reported environments, neutral drift played a minimal role, while homogeneous selection (HoS, 50.5%) and dispersal limitation (DL, 43.8%) emerged as dominant ecological drivers. HoS favored streamlined genomes with key functions for hadal adaptation, e.g., aromatic compound utilization (oligotrophic adaptation) and antioxidation (high-pressure adaptation). Conversely, DL promoted versatile metabolism with larger genomes. These findings indicated that environmental factors drive the high taxonomic novelty in the hadal zone, advancing our understanding of the ecological mechanisms governing microbial ecosystems in such an extreme oceanic environment.


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