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当前位置:首页 > 学术成果 > 2017
论文题目 作者 期刊名称 发表年度 卷;期 页码
Cellular taphonomy of well-preserved Gaoyuzhuang microfossils: a window into the preservation of ancient cyanobacteria Guo Z. 郭自晓,Peng X. 彭晓彤*, Czaja A.D., Chen S. 陈顺, Ta K. 他开文 Precambrian Research (2017) 2017-11-16 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2017.11.007.;  
Raman spectroscopic measurements of ν1 band of hydrogen sulfide over a wide range of temperature and density in fused‐silica optical cells Lei Jiang.蒋磊*, Yang Xin.辛洋,I‐Ming Chou.周义明*,Ying Chen.陈颖 Jorunal of RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 2017-11-20 DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5293;   1–8
Hydrothermal nontronite formation associated with microbes from low-temperature diffuse hydrothermal vents at the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge Ta,KW.他开文 ; Peng,XT *.彭晓彤*; Chen,S.陈顺; Xu,HC.许恒超; Li,JW.李季伟; Du,MR.杜梦然;Hao, JL;Lin,Y. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 2017-09-13 122;  9 2375-2392
Niche differentiation of ammonia-oxidizing archaea along the kuril islands in the western subarctic Pacific Hongmei Jing*荆红梅*, Shunyan Cheung, Xiaomin Xia, Koji Suzuki, Jun Nishioka, Hongbin Liu* Frontiers in Microbiology 2017-6-30 6;   doi:10.3389
Thielavins W–Z7, New Antifouling Thielavins from the Marine-Derived Fungus Thielavia sp. UST030930-004. Han, Z.韩壮; Li, Y.-X.; Liu, L.-L.; Lu, L.; Guo, X.-R.; Zhang, X.-X.; Zhang, X.-Y.; Qi, S.-H.; Xu, Y.; Qian, P.-Y. Mar. Drugs 2017-05-10 ;  15 128
Acquisition and evaluation of thermodynamic data for mirabilite-thenardite equilibria at 0.1 MPa. Wang YS., Chou IM*.周义明*, Zheng MP., Hou XH. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2017-03 ;  111 221-227
Formation of carbonate pipes in the northern Okinawa Trough linked to strong sulfate exhaustion and iron supply Xiaotong Peng彭晓彤,Zixiao Guo*郭自晓*, Shun Chen陈顺; Zhilei Sun; Hengchao Xu许恒超; Kaiwen Ta他开文; Jianchao Zhang; Lijuan Zhang; Jiwei Li李季伟; Mengran Du杜梦然.; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2017-02-20 ;  
In situ Raman spectroscopic study of the pressure effect on the concentration of CO2 in water at hydrate-liquid water equilibrium up to 900 bar. Geng LT., Qu K., Lu WJ., Jiang L.蒋磊, Chou IM.周义明 Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2017-02 ;  437 37-43
Biomediated Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate in a Slightly Acidic Hot Spring, Yunnan Province JIANG Lei*蒋磊;,XU Hengchao许恒超;,QIAO Haijun ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA 2017-02 91;  1 145-155
Properties of lithium under hydrothermal conditions revealed by in situ Raman spectroscopic characterization of Li2O-SO3-H2O (D2O) systems at temperatures up to 420 °C. Wang XL., Wang XY., Chou IM.周义明, Hu WX., Wan Y., Li Z. Chemical Geology 2017-01 ;  451 104-115
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