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当前位置:首页 > 学术成果 > 2022
论文题目 作者 期刊名称 发表年度 卷;期 页码
Bacterial Communities in Informal Dump Sites: A Rich Source of Unique Diversity and Functional Potential for Bioremediation Applications Ramganesh Selvarajan*;Henry Ogola;Chimdi M. Kalu;Timothy Sibanda;Chinedu Obize Applied Sciences 2022-12-14 12;  24 17
The analysis and design of deep-sea lighting field based on spectral transfer function 全向前*;Wei, Yucong;Liu, Kaibin;李勃 FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 2022-12-14 9;   11
Comparison of prokaryotes between Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench Liu, Yongqin;Zhang, Zhihao;Ji, Mukan;Hu, Aoran;Wang, Jing;荆红梅;Liu, Keshao;Xiao, Xiang;Zhao, Weishu MICROBIOME 2022-12-07 10;  1 20
Metabolic activity and community structure of prokaryotes associated with particles in the twilight zone of the South China Sea 刘皓;王芳洲;Liu, Hongbin;荆红梅* FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2022-12 13;   1056860
Spatial variation and metabolic diversity of microbial communities in the surface sediments of the Mariana Trench 王芳洲;张玥;荆红梅*;刘皓 FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2022-12-05 13;   11
Review in life cycle assessment of biomass conversion through pyrolysis-issues and recommendations Zhaozhuo Yu;马浩翔;Xiangjun Liu;Junqi Wang Green Chemical Engineering 2022-12 3;  4 304-312
鲸落生态研究进展与展望 林明利;李松海* 热带生物学报 2022年度 14;  1 1-10
Age and gender differences in in-air vocalization characteristics of spotted seal pups from newborn to one-year old in captivity 张培君*;Liangliang Yang;Jiabo Han;Yong Yang;Zhichuang Lu;李松海 Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-12 9;  
Extremely variable sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrites in carbonate pipes from the northern south China sea: Implications for a non-steady microenvironment 郭自晓;Liu, Ya-Dong;Qin, Guohong;Hu, Yongjie;彭晓彤* MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2022-12-01 146;   6
Experimental study on the Tridacna squamosa shell : distinctive structure and mechanical behavior 侯雪;Yin Liu;陈姜智;Zhi Zheng;刘月高;赵霞;孙建辉;Xiumei Wang;Jianbao Li;梅升华* ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2022-12-18 2022;   10
Biogeographic distributions of microbial communities associated with anaerobic methane oxidation in the surface sediments of deep-sea cold seeps in the South China Sea 姜秋云;荆红梅*;刘皓;杜梦然 Frontiers in Microbiology 2022-12-25 13;   1060206
Backstepping patterns of an isolated carbonate platform in the northern South China Sea and its implication for paleoceanography and paleoclimate 秦永鹏;吴时国*;Betzler, Christian MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2022-12-01 146;   12
Well-Logging Constraints on Gas Hydrate Saturation in Unconsolidated Fine-Grained Reservoirs in the Northern South China Sea Wan, Xiaoming;周雪晴*;Liang, Jinqiang;吴时国;Lu, Jingan;Wei, Chenglong;Wang, Rui;Liu, Bo ENERGIES 2022-12-01 15;  23 22
Serviceability Properties of Solid Buoyancy Materials for Deep-Sea HOV 张海龙;马国亮*;朱志伟 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2022-12 2022;   10
Design and Optimization of Multipoint Sampler for Seafloor Sediment Carried by a Deep-Sea Landing Vehicle Gao, Yan;Zhou, Yue;郭威*;Fu, Yifan;Gao, Sen;魏振卓;孙洪鸣;Sun, Yu JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2022-12-01 10;  12 17
In Situ Raman Spectroscopy and DFT Studies of the Phase Transition from Zircon to Reidite at High P-T Conditions 高悦;Zheng, Zhi;赵霞;刘月高;陈姜智;李艳;熊梦君;Zu, Xiaotao;梅升华* MINERALS 2022-12 12;  12 11
A Study on the Performance Modeling Method for a Deep-Sea Cobalt-Rich Crust Mining Vehicle 谢超*;陈铭;Lan Wang;凯西(Casey Agee);Shaoming Yao;郑金荣;Jun Liu;谢家华;欧文;肖剑宇;陈为;Liquan Wang Minerals 2022-11-28 12;  12 1521
Measurement principle and technology of miniaturized strapdown inertial wave sensor Zhou FH(周峰华);Zhang RW(张荣旺);张少伟* Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-11-21 9;   1-16
The design and calibration of a low-cost underwater sound velocity profiler 张胜宗;徐霄阳;许达贞;Long, Keliu;Shen, Chong;田川* FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 2022-11-10 9;   14
The effect of COH fluids on partial melting of eclogite and lherzolite under moderately oxidizing and reducing conditions 刘在荣*;Arno Rohrbach;Carla Tiraboschi;Stephen F. Foley;Jasper Berndt;Stephan Klemme Chemical Geology 2022-11-04 616;  2023 121219
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